lørdag 12. november 2011

Project Peach

I´m brand new when it comes to MAME, bit I have long experience with arcades. Since way back when I was dropping ten kroners (Norwegian currency) in the local video store arcade (Arna Video) and to this day I´ve learned to love these little cabinets of joy. It was indeed something special to enter the arcade and sensing the smell of dank air and electronics. The excitement, the swamp ass when the last credit was up... I have to say that I think that it is such a shame that the arcades are gone. They were indeed extremely important for the development of the gaming industry and as a post modern icon. Take for example "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" which is filled with arcade gaming references. Check out the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57saocQSQDo

As a graphic designer I have a deep respect for the artists that supplied the artwork for the cabinets. They totally sold the product even before the cab ate its first coin. So I have to admit that it is something greater than just a wish to play the oldies again. I feel that I have a responsibility for carrying on this legacy so that my daughter, and others can enjoy the arcade games that had such an epic place in my life. Also the wood work and working off screen really appeal to me. I come from a family of craftsmen, and it feels so right to challenge my own skills.

I hope that I can inspire others to build cabs as I´m doing. It is so much fun and you learn things that will be valuable far outside of this project! So I beg of you, Please Insert Coin :)

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