lørdag 12. november 2011

It all comes together...

The cab is screwn together with 1" slaths. This cabinet is called a bartop, and it is a bit different from the cabinets you know from your local arcade. It´s sporting a much more compact body. The challenge is to fit all the components inside. This is going to be quite a ride...

The edges of the cab has been routed using a Bosch POF 1400w ACE router. Mine was brand new for the job and I´m blown away by its performance. Where has this tool been all my life?!?! It sports a konstant power feed even when it hits hard wood. It´s also supplied with LED lights that helps you to keep a better eye on the router bits performance. After routing the edges were smooth and nice. I treat the edges with fine sand paper to finish them off, and the result was just stunning!

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