lørdag 24. mars 2012

All work and no play makes Bjorn a dull boy...

Sorry for quiet times guys! Got my pedadogy exam paper that needs to be written. Will come back with more info on the cab as soon as this abomination has been handed in ;)



søndag 11. mars 2012

New header for March

Just a visual update on the header. Street Fighter 2 was a game I really sucked at playing. I really did not have the skills to remember more than the "Haduoken"-move. But what else was there to remember. That move defined SF2 more than any other. Ah! Being 12 and sitting pennyless watching SF2 demo mode ;) Header pic was illustrated by the art collective Udon.

Back panel more or less done :)

I´ve used a foam roller to apply paint to the whole Weecade. The idea was to get the surface as smooth as possible. Still I must admit that it is not smooth enough. I end up with a glossy surface but with small even bumps. So I expect that my next project will be painted with a Bosch PFS 65 Electric Paint Sprayer. I know it takes a bit of practice, but to get the surface even this is my last resort :) So much easier to get to all the hard places.

The feedthrougs have been attached and working perfectly as with the power socket. It really made the difference! The volume button is still in the makings, but as soon as I get hold of a 28mm hole drill, I will get to it.

I must say that that this project is not a 100% accurate measure wise. It has been really hard as I started out without being thorough enough. Quality rulers and lazer measuring should be first priority. The opening for the back panel is about 2mm tighter at the top then at the bottom. This is of course not a good thing for the back panel ;)

Still, we´re on course and hoping to finish up the build soon. The control panel is at hand and will be quite a challenge. There is no room for measure errors between the decor foil and the metal itself... Not looking forward to that one ;)


torsdag 1. mars 2012

"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"

This has been a more or less perfect day when it comes to tinkering. First I spent a good deal of time measuring the holes for the thermometer and power socket. I wanted the two holes to be aligned to the overhead holes so they look all nice and dandy. Thanks to one giant stationary drill (Not the Bosch this time) I got it all fixed perfectly. The holes ended up spotless and dead centered.

I also had an idea when it came to the volume button. As the amplifier card resides INSIDE the machine, and the volume pin goes through the back cabinet panel I though about sinking a button about 4mm into the back panel. To simplify it, I´m going to make it look as the button is not outside of the back panel, but rather that it resides 4mm into the panel...Sigh.. Look at the pictures then ;) Anyways, the result was perfect. I could have messed this one up badly as I only needed the button itself to be 1-2mm out of center for it to "throw". The button also needs to be able to also survive the wear and tare of being attached and detached whenever I need to access the interior.

And also, the buttons, thermometer and power socket fit like a glove! To the right you se the "sinked" hole with the center hole for the volume pin. The hole is 30mm and the button will have a diameter of 28mm. That gives ruffly 1mm of play...Hmm.. Might to a smaller button. I might miss and end up with more than 1mm of throw... That would render the button useless. Oh! The humanity!

Before priming and painting the back panel, I would like to mention how much work this was. I have no previous experience with routing or precision drilling so this was a huge leap for me (mankind can come too!) The areas that are sinked are routed so that the air vents at the top can fit the pink perforated steel-sheet. The lower window will house the acrylic logo-window. The latter is just for show. It does not have any function except estetically.

Here I´m done with the cutting and drilling of the back panel. I´ve primed it twice (only a light sanding between each coating). It´s now drying and is ready for two coats of glossy paint. As you probably notice I´ve left out painting the holes. They were so spot on that I could jeopardize how well they fit. The paint is also sticky and have a slight glue-effect. We don´t want stuck buttons now do we?!?!

And one last thing... The marquee lit up today ;) I have to say it looked really good. The two white cold cathode tubes inside gave quite a cold light, but this can be fixed with some foil used on studio lamps that lowers the Kelvin from 5500 to 3500 (Winter to summer-light). PS. The lighting will be a bit more even when the white back panel is included.

Again, this is so fun it hertz!

Hope ya´ll like it! Remember to leave comments. I believe I´ve finally managed to set Blogger up so that you can comment without having to be member of some stupid plan or software...
