onsdag 4. januar 2012

Introducing the Bosch PBD 40 Stationary Drill

So what did I get for Christmas? Well I got this...a Bosch stationary drill. Before stating that I´ve gone completely mad I have to add that this tool is a paradigm shift for me when it comes to accuracy.

It is not easy to drill perfectly straight or keeping the right drill depth through out your project. With this tool its a breeze. I sports a cross laser for accuracy, enough torque to break your arm and also a complete control of drill RPM. At the price of 364$ many pro-craftsmen will probably shake their heads, but I have to say that this machine has great build quality. It resides in the area between the crappy cheap Chinese stuff, and the overly expensive drills which also seconds as earth core drills ;)

This will take my cabinet projects light years ahead quality wise!

In short, I love it!

mandag 2. januar 2012


After being repeatedly e-mailed regarding the fact that I´ve been writing this blog in Norwegian, I´ve now budged and will start translating the entire blog, and from now on using the good Queens English (or at least die trying).

The "Just use Google 2 translate" just does not work as you´ll probably end up with a bunch of non-consistent bla bla and so on.

Anyways, I would like to welcome you all to a more international blog! The russian lurker-sites that has been visiting can come too! (Yes I see you in my statistics).

Please do leave comments for my posts even though I know registering with Blogspot is a Hell of a hassle :/

Game on!